Start the process of selling your home with a free home evaluation

Get a fast, easy, no obligation home evaluation from Andrew Russell & Associates!

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Get A Free Home Evaluation From Our Experts


Team at RE/MAX Red Deer


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OUR Home Evaluation Process


Initial Consultation

Our first step is to have a conversation that helps us understand the distinct qualities of your home. This insight will guide us in developing a custom-selling approach.


Market Analysis

We'll dig into the market, check out what's selling, and see where your home fits in the big picture.


Home Review

Together, we'll assess your home’s condition, style, and special characteristics that make it stand out in today’s market.


Pricing Strategy

We'll work together to determine a price that's both rewarding for you and attractive to potential buyers.


Report Preparation

I'll pull all our notes into a neat report full of numbers and insights, showing what your home's really worth.


Review and Consult

We'll discuss the findings, answer your questions, and ensure you’re fully equipped to take the next steps with confidence.

Our Real Estate Services

Free Home Evaluation

If you’re curious about the worth of your home, let’s explore it together at no cost to you.

We’ll highlight your home’s strongest attributes. Then, I’ll provide you with a clear and direct appraisal based on current market conditions.

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Picture-Perfect Photography

The right picture can speak volumes about your home. My team of professional photographers is skilled at capturing eye-catching images.

These photos will ensure your listing shines, stunning potential buyers.

Home Staging That Wows

The art of staging is more than just scene-setting; it involves crafting a feel that buyers are drawn to.

Our team excels in arranging a home that helps buyers envision their future.


Spotlight on MLS

We’ll ensure your home stands out as the highlight on MLS.

Through engaging narratives and stunning photography, your listing will become the one buyers are eager to visit.

Trusted Referrals

Need recommendations for home services, repairs, lawyers, mortgage brokers, or anything else?  

We’ve got connections with trusted professionals in our market that we know will deliver the high level of service and expertise.

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Ready to Sell Smart?

Ally with us and we’ll guide you toward a successful and satisfying home sale.

Want to See What We’ve Sold?

Discover our success in property sales.